Wednesday 4 December 2013

My Checklist #1 - Sydney Sightseeing

Hello everyone, 
I have this dream of working and traveling in Australia since 2003. I was in 11th grade when I thought it would be cool to go downunder. So, 10 years later I have built up a huge list of things I want to do. I will mentally prepare myself for this trip by creating this checklist as the things come to my mind (so the number does not necessarily indicate the importance).
But absolutely number 1 is to go sightseeing in Sydney!

  • Opera House (sponsored by the EADS Energy Strategy Team :-) )
  • Harbour Bridge
  • The Rocks
  • Royal Botanical Garden
  • Government House
  • Circular Quay
  • Customs House
  • Darlingharbour
  • Chinatown
  • Bondi Beach
  • Manly Beach

Have I forgotten something? What are your tipps? Comment below!
Yours city-lover Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!