A few thoughts...

... about Australia that I noticed during my travels.


... the Outback - 6 things to consider

... searching for a job - or how i struggled with it

  ... the similarity of Australia to Great Britain

  ... domestic flights - so very different to Europe

... traveling with strangers - what a scary thought

... Australian movies - I love me some good ones

... driving long distances - 12 tipps for a long roadtrip

... being an Au Pair - 10 things I learned in my French hostfamily in Perth

... or a collection of Australian birds in the wild.

More thoughts in preparation! Or do you have any questions about Australia that I can give you my unprofessional thoughts about? ;-) Let me know!

Yours Australia-in-more-details-discovering Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!