... and thereabouts.
Prepared with a Working Holiday Visa I want to see, visit, explore, taste and appreciate as much as I can of Australia in one year. Follow me on a journey through landscapes, animals, cities, populations, foods and drinks. What's out there in this huge country downunder? And am I going to survive it???
Kalbarri - Memorial, a pink lake and coastal cliffs
Alrighty folks,
On the morning of our second day after a seriously freezing
night with just two hours of sleep we at least had a very nice breakfast and
then I drove us into the city of Geraldton where we visited the HMAS Sydney
After some more grocery shopping I took on the 1.5
hour drive to Port Gregory to the Hutt Lagoon as it is a pink lake. EXACTLY:
PINK! I have apparently pasted a few pink lakes in Tasmania and the Southwest
but the bacteria which colors the water pink does need certain weather
conditions to show it. We were lucky with a perfect blue sky.
Happy about the pink lake we drove further on to
Kalbarri and decided spontaneously to visit some spots on the coastal cliffs.
These reminded Laura and me of the Great Ocean Road.
Then we drove to another lookout called the Eagle
Gorge and we saw dolphins there playing in the waves. Awesome!
We watched the dolphins for quite a while, it was so
nice. Before we drove off again we walked onto the beach. Don’t be surprised to
not see Bastian in any of the group pictures as he doesn’t like that. Well, I
took some pictures of him taking pictures :-)
When we arrived at the Kalbarri Visitor Information
Center we have been told that they wouldn’t recommend us to drive the unsealed
road towards the Nature’s Window with our Tankgirl van. So we had to rent another car
for the next day. As it was only 4pm we drove in our van to two other lookouts.
This is the Hawk’s Head.
And here is the Ross Graham lookout.
In the evening we got into the Kalbarri Tudor
caravan park where we had FREE Wifi which didn’t work very well at times. We
settled down for another freezing night after a nice dinner (chili con carne
with rice) and a beer.
With two pairs of socks, leggings, legwarmers, a
jogging trousers, a long-sleeve shirt, a pullover and a plastic bottle full
with hot water wrapped in a tea towel I got into the sleeping bag. It helped to
sleep much better than the night before. My feet were still a bit cold though…
Our next stop: Nature’s Window in Kalbarri National
Yours pink-lake-visiting-and-freezing Stefanie
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