Tuesday 24 June 2014

Geraldton - Driving past pinnacles, Jurien Bay and speeding


Of the self-organised 30-day West Coast Tour. On Sunday morning Charlotte, Laura and I were very relieved when the van started, so at 8:45am we took off towards the city to pick up Bastian at the YHA. Then we headed directly for Cervantes to see the famous pinnacles through some heavy rain. Laura and Bastian haven’t seen them. After a quick sandwich lunch in the car park we decided to drive through the pinnacles instead of walking.

After this short visit Charlotte drove us further North and were shocked to see that the van used a lot more fuel than we expected. After just 250 km almost half the tank was empty! So in Jurien Bay we visited the beach briefly before we refilled the tank, checked the oil and the tyre pressure and then at an IGA we got some blankets for Laura and Charlotte as the night was supposed to get REALLY cold.


On our way to Geraldton Bastian took over the steering wheel from Charlotte and we had a long drive ahead of us. In Greenough we suddenly had the police behind us signaling us to stop! Well, it turned out Bastian drove 83 km/h in a 70 km/h zone. Luckily the police man let us go without a fine. PUH!

When we finally arrived in Geraldton it was already getting dark. We headed to the Batavia Coast Caravan Park where we got an unpowered site. The rooftent was luckily almost as easy to set up as the rooftent I used on my Kangaroo Island trip.

After dinner in the camp kitchen (potatoes with mushroom and salad) we sat down for an early night. While we girls slept in the rooftent, Bastian slept in the back of the van. It was an AWFUL night! Absolutely freezing and well, the mattress in the rooftent is too hard for my back. In the morning I also took this picture of the signs of drop bears.

And guess what? THEY EXIST!

Our next stop: Kalbarri!

Yours roadtrip-starting Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!