Thursday 24 July 2014

Monkey Mia - Dolphin feeding and drive to Carnarvon

Dear animal lovers,
On Thursday the 26th of June we got up really early to be at Monkey Mia at 8am just in time for the first interaction with the dolphins. People were lining the beach.

And the dolphins got REALLY close! It was so exciting to spot more and more coming in and circling around in front of us.

There were about eight dolphins but only five specific female dolphin get a little bit of fish by the volunteers. Three of these five were present at the first interaction. This is one of them, her name is Surprise.

They explain a bit about dolphins and their behaviour and how the whole dolphin feeding at this particular coast started and developed over the years. The volunteers choose by random three person per dolphin to feed a small fish. None of us have been chosen though :-(

It was a very cloudy day with a bit of rain and as we walked along the beach we decided to stay for the second interaction. This time I stayed on the boardwalk and took some pictures from there.

Some turtles have been sighted near the end of this boardwalk but I didn't see any turtle but a nice little bird. This time Laura got chosen to feed one of the dolphins! How lucky.

The weather didn't improve, so we decided to headed on further North. I drove us over three hours towards Carnarvon with a sandwich lunch at the Warromel Roadhouse. Here some impressions of the road and the changing landscape.

In Carnarvon we refilled our Tankgirl (Jesus, she is a binge-drinker!), bought some more groceries and stopped briefly at the Satellite Earth Station.

Then Charlotte drove further but our windscreen got hit by a stone and she stopped at a rest stop area which turned out to be a free camping spot as well. So we decided to stay and had rice with chicken curry there. As we had the full insurance cover by Wicked they told us to not worry about the windscreen crack. Okay...
Our next stop: Coral Bay.
Yours dolphin-watching-and-more-driving Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!