Sunday 6 April 2014

Perth - Worrying about everything

Hi there,

On Wednesday it was cloudy, so I stayed in the apartment of Carly until I had to leave to get to the airport on time for my flight to Perth. I didn’t consider the rush hour, so the trams were packed and I had my big black suitcase with me. On the third tram I managed to squeeze in. I changed on Flinder Street Station and said Good-Bye to Melbourne :-( as the train drove North where I had to change into a bus. This route takes longer but is cheaper than taking the Skybus. At the airport everything went to plan and I boarded the Jetstar plane at 8:30pm. This 4-hour flight was very calm, so I had too much time to worry about everything and nothing. We arrived a bit too early, so when I collected my luggage my host mother Cecile hasn’t arrived yet. It was a very strange feeling that I absolutely cannot describe in a few words. When she arrived I recognized her immediately as we have skyped before. She was very happy to see me, we got in the car and talked a lot during this 25-minute drive. Especially about the kids and the tasks at hand but also about traveling and living in Australia. Cécile and Sébastien are married for six years now and are from France, they lived in Paris. They moved due to a project of Sébastien’s work to Perth a bit over 1.5 years ago. Their first two children (Adéle who is now 4 and Mayeul who is now 2) were born in Paris. Her third child Louise was born in Perth and she is now 1.5 years old.

I got the impression that Cécile is a very reasonable and nice woman, so that already made things and the whole trip to the house much easier. The children were of course already asleep and I settled into my room and got to bed very quickly. As it was already 11pm in Perth, it was 2am in Melbourne and I felt tired and exhausted although I didn’t really do anything. Do you know this when you are thinking so hard about lots of things and your whole body is tense? What will the children think of me? Will they like me? Will I like my host family? Do I really want to do this…

Yours worrying Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!