Thursday 24 April 2014

Jarrahdale, Bedforddale - Serpentine Dam and Churchmen Brook Dam

Hi there,
After all the sleeping I finally felt fit to sat out into Western Australia again. On Easter Monday I decided to drive to the Serpentine National Park near Jarrahdale to have a look at the "most touristic dam: Serpentine Dam". After a 40-minute drive I arrived here...

Not really spectacular... And this is also the biggest of all the dams around... I sat down to eat lunch that I brought with me while I watched other tourists take lots of pictures and having fun in doing so. Then I walked over the dam to see if some walking trails into the National Parks start from that side.

I had no luck. There was just another carpark and a small picnic area. So I walked back to the car and drove to the Armadale Visitor Center where I got told to either visit the Araluen Botanic Park (which is much smaller than King's Park, there is a entry fee and at the moment there is no flower display) or to drive to Churchmen Brook Dam as the local attractions. OK... I drove to Chruchmen Brook Dam.

At 3pm I drove back to Manning and decided that this was by far the most boring daytrip I have done so far in Australia. So not worth the trip... I hope the next days will be better. My next stop: Northam!
Yours dam-visiting Stefanie

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