Thursday 10 April 2014

Perth - New camera!!!

Moin Moin everyone!
Today is Thursday the 10th of April 2014. On Saturday the 8th of March 2014 my camera broke down in Adelaide. As it couldn't be repaired in Adelaide, I took it to Melbourne a few days later where I found out that it would probably cost 300 AUD (or more) and several weeks to get it repaired. After a few days when I calmed down about this and spoke to my dear friend Carly. She ordered a camera on the internet for me. Unfortunately it arrived three days later than expected just one day after I left Melbourne to fly to Perth. So Carly had to get it send to Perth and it took 9 days to arrive. But it is here now! (Hmm, that mirror is a little bit dusty...)

It works absolutely fine, all the equipment from my broken camera fit perfectly and I have one more additional battery (which could come in handy) and I also have an Australian charger now, so I don't need my travel plug adapter for this anymore.

And here the pictures of my broken camera. Can you see how the lense is sticking out of the housing although the camera is turned off? The lense cannot move to it full extent anymore and it also cannot close completely, it is stuck and doesn't focus.

I cannot tell you how relieved and happy I am to have my own camera again with all its functions and especially its 24 times zoom. Should I ever make it to the Great Sandy Desert (which really exists in Australia, should you wonder), will I take my camera with me? NO WAY IN HELL!!! I am going to put the camera into the safety bag, then into the camera bag which I will wrap into some clothes and then store in my suitcase which I will foil and then lock up in a car that will stay in a garage a few kilometers away from the desert! Yes, I learned my lesson. As fantastic it might be to have brilliant pictures you shouldn't risk to damage your equipment. This has really upset me.
But the camera has just come in time for my next daytrip tomorrow: Rottnest Island!
Yours new-camera-owner-and-happy-bunny Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!