Thursday 24 April 2014

Northam - "Old" city and Avon Valley

Greetings folks,
On Tuesday morning I picked up Maria who I got to know on the Southwest Tour and together we sat off to the 1.5-hour journey to Northam, about 100 km Northeast of Perth. We arrived at about 11:30am at the Visitor Information Center where in a nearby tree sat lots of cockatoos.

In the Information Center the friendly lady tried to convince us of the heritage importance of that city. For example this pedestrian suspension bridge is the largest of its kind in Australia. Right...

At the river banks we met lots of birds, especially pelicans, ducks and white swans. Exactly! Black swans are native only to Australia and there are no native white swans. These have been imported, of course, by European settlers. Some of the swans are currently in Melbourne to mate with some other swans there, so they can start to invade the country...

After a short stroll alongside the river which wasn't too interesting we walked into Fitzgerald Street, kind of the main street in Northam. We had a map with us to outline the main heritage listed buildings, because in Northam there are apparently over 185 heritage listed buildings. Here we have Northam Westpac Bank, Northam Commonwealth Bank, Northam Post Office, Northam Advertiser, Northam Memorial Hall and the Northam Library. Nice... kind of...NAH, not really.

At 1pm we sat down in a little cafe/bar and ordered hamburger with chips which was listed under "Light meals", so I didn't expect a huge burger and put my camera away. Thanks to Maria I received the pictures that she took of the hamburger. It had a bun (sure), tomato sauce (of course), beef patty (good), cucumber and tomato (nice), egg (wow), ham (extra meat, awesome), beetroot (ok...) and pineapple (WHAT???) on it. Turns out, this is a true Aussie Burger.

It was a massive burger and we both just about finished our burgers, although we both skipped the pineapple. And lots of chips that we couldn't finish. We were absolutely stuffed after this "light meal" and decided to drive to Mount Ommaney (or somewhat like that name) for a little walk.

The view is nice from up there but the walking trails are not really marked and they seemed more like gravel roads. We walked around for about an hour I think.

After the walk we browsed through the Avon Valley brochure that we received in the Information Center and decided that all the mentioned nearby cities seem all very similar to Northam (NO THANKS!), so we drove back to Perth where we arrived at about 5:30pm. I am so glad I had such a nice company with me because this is surely not a very touristic or interesting daytrip at all. Next stop: the Sunset Coast!
Yours "heritage"-city-visiting Stefanie

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