Monday 3 March 2014

Kangaroo Island - Platypus walk and beach-hopping

Hey there everyone,

On Thursday morning we did not set any alarm but still got up at about 8:30am because you couldn’t sleep any longer on this hard mattress and with the noise outside (from birds and possums). We packed our stuff pretty quickly and headed back to the Visitor Information Center to get rid of our rubbish. Then we sat off for the Platypus Waterholes Walk. We walked around very quietly and searched around the water for signs of Platypus but we were not lucky.

Oh wait, here is one! YES!

Oh well, just a statue. At 12pm we left the National Park towards a petrol station (really expensive on the island) and then went to the North coast to Stokes Bay. The famous part about this beach is the hidden pathway through some fairly narrow rocks.

We had lunch at this hidden beach and wandered around before we drove off to the next beach which I personally liked better than Stokes Bay: Snelling Beach.

After some sun-bathing we drove to Parndana for some more petrol (not really cheaper) and some grocery shopping (enormously expansive). Finally we were on the way to the next beach at Emu Bay.

Reminded us a bit of Vivienne Bay. On the way to the camping ground we stopped at the Prospect Hill for a nice view around the area.

Our overnight stay was at our fourth beach this day at Browns Beach (nothing spectacular) where we had again pasta for dinner and skipped playing cards because of the mosquitos and settled for an early night. Our next stop: Back to Adelaide!

Yours beach-visiting Stefanie

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