Thursday 19 December 2013

Brisbane - Surprisingly nice

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night,
After Sydney and Melbourne this is the third-biggest city of Australia: Brisbane! I have heard contrary things about this town, so we explored it the way we always do: We got some information from the Lonely Planet and from the reception of our backpacker hostel (Somewheretostay Backpackers, what a name, huh?) and then we just headed for downtown on Wednesday morning. We parked the car at a multistorey carpark at South Bank and strolled along the South Bank Park which is really nice with the picnic areas and the artificial beach.

We crossed the river over the Victoria Bridge and got on the Cityhopper, a FREE ferry service of Brisbane City Council and where you have a great view onto the skyline of Brisbane.

We got off at Eagle St Pier and visited downtown, especially the shopping street, Queen Street where Markus bought himself a kangaroo leather hat:

We got lunch at the market and walked into the Botanical Garden which is very beautiful as well and another FREE service of the city council is the Wifi in the garden.

After 5.5 hours of walking around we were very tired, therefore we got back into the car and drove further North, another 300 km to our next stop: Hervey Bay!
Yours city-exploring Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!