Friday 25 July 2014

Sandfire - Tankgirl breaks down...

Dear van lovers,
The title says it already: Tankgirl didn't wanted to complete the journey with us but I give you the full details of the sad story anyway.
It all started very normal on Friday the 4th of July, on Day 13 of our tour. We got ready to depart Port Hedland at 8:30am in the morning as we had a 600km journey in front of us to get to Broome. After a few hours (and a fuel stop at Pardoo Roadhouse) as Bastian drove on the Great Northern Highway we noticed some strange engine noises and Bastian told us that the steering got funny as well.
He pulled over at a rest stop, checked the engine and also underneath the van. He suspected an oil leak and a possible gas line break. Another car pulled over and two women got out and asked us what happened. As they were travelling in the same direction they offered to follow us in case something happened to the Sandfire Roadhouse which was luckily only another 60km away. On the way to the roadhouse (it was nearly 12pm) Bastian called Wickedcamper to tell them about the problems we had with the van and requested to have another roadworthy van available in Broome the next day for pick up. We were only directed to roadside assistance.
Well, we made it to the Sandfire Roadhouse and while Bastian and some other men (who were willing to help) looked at the engine I took some pictures of the roadhouse (I was of no help anyway and rather get myself distracted than angry...). Yepp, there are peacocks.

After half an hour of letting the engine cool down, refuelling and a small quiet sandwich lunch and a few more calls to Wickedcamper we have been advised to make it to Broome (that is 300km away). There we would be able to swap the van. We bought some engine oil and took on the journey. It wasn't long - after just 20km the engine started to overheat and apparently the water tank has broken, so we stopped next to the highway. Some more angry calls to Wickedcamper who debated if we should be towed away and if Wickedcamper would pay for it or not... SERIOUSLY? Well, again we tried to distract ourselves with some funny picture as Charlotte climbed the van and I waved passing cars and vans, most of them waved back or even honked the horn in sympathy.

After two hours we filled some two liters of water into the van and drove the 20km back to the Sandfire Roadhouse. The engine overheated again!

It was 3pm and no decision by Wickedcamper if they would get us towed to Broome or if someone from Broome would bring us another van. We had another problem: Laura had a flight to catch in Broome the next day! She asked a few people at the roadhouse if they could give her a lift but no luck. They all suggested to ask the truck drivers in the morning as there would be lots on their way to Broome. I didn't like that idea at all.

We had no other choice than to book us into the caravan park of the roadhouse for the night. At 7pm we got a call from James in Broome that he is now on his way to us (that is 300km away, remember?) with another van on his trailer. So we prepared all our belongings for a quick transfer and than we waited. Can you imagine how long these hours were for us? And what thoughts we had about the journey and the van and Wicked??? Stay calm, stay calm...
At 10:30pm James arrived and we swapped everything from our Tankgirl into the Batman van. Yepp, BATMAN! Here some pictures that I took in the sunlight the next day.

As you might have noticed, our Batmobil doesn't have a rooftent, you actually sleep in the van. It wasn't too comfortable to be honest but we had no other choice...
Our next stop: Broome!
Yours trying-to-stay-calm-while-the-van-is-broken Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!