Friday 25 July 2014

Broome - Batman van, coastline and beer

Dear easy life lovers,
I can tell you: it wasn't an easy life for us driving our "new" Batman van. What? Where is Tankgirl? Well, read the sad story about her here in my last post...
The batmobil had a manual gearbox and not an automtic one. That's not the problem as such, the problem was to get into the gears, especially the third one was difficult. The steering wheel wasn't straight, the brakes didn't seem to be how they should be, it had over 430,000km on its clock and pieces were falling off everywhere.

With Wickedcamper vehicles it is allowed to scribble them up everywhere. Here some examples of the Batmobil. I should have taken a picture of the remark about this van having broken down just last year...

Here a look into the back. Can you see the beds hanging up there? And that back seat there needs to face backwards in order to be able to set up the lower beds.

We didn't have anywhere near as much space for all our stuff as in our Tankgirl. And this little "kitchen" bench didn't help at all. The two upper beds can be hang up and down. Luckily we took two of the mattresses from Tankgirl with us.

On the 300km from the Sandfire Roadhouse that Bastian drove we all agreed that we cannot travel safely in the Batmobil all the way to Darwin (another 3,000km journey). As we had to drop off Laura at the Broome airport first we headed there for 12:30pm and said Goodbye to her. She would fly back to Perth to spent her last two weeks in Australia there. As the Wickedcamper depot was already closed by then Charlotte, Bastian and I decided to stay in Broome until Monday to ask for another, safer van.
Until then we would explore Broome. First we had a nice lunch of burgers with chips in the city and then visited Streeters Jetty. Here we were confronted for the first time with warnings about crocodiles in the water!

Then we drove to the famous Cable Beach where Charlotte and I sunbathed while Bastian went for some surfing in the not so big waves. Then we booked us into the Cable Beach Caravan Park, again we paid for a powered site, the last spot they had available and we could only stay for one night. It was very busy everywhere. The school holidays have started in WA. We did our laundry, had pasta with pesto for dinner and then I was bored and annoyed. Like seriously annoyed by how the journey turned out...
The next morning we started the day with pancakes made on a BBQ and then we went to the Visitor Information Center to get information about the emergency camping ground that had been opened up as all caravan parks were full. We got ourselves a place and then got to a small market before we drove over to Gantheaume Point.

Gantheaume Point truly made me think "outback meets ocean". It is famous for some dinosaurus footprints but you can only see them at very low tide. There are some massive tides in Broome, up to 12 meters. Well, we were not lucky and didn't see the footprints.

After lunch we went back to Cable Beach, I read an english book that I got this morning for free on the other caravan park. We left the beach at 5pm to go back to the emergency campground for a shower.

For dinner we decided to walk to Matso's Broome Brewery. Lots of beer! That's more like it! :-)

We first ordered the fiver plate of tasters and tried them all. After not a lot of thinking we were sure that the ginger beer was the best and the chilli beer by far the worst!


In the evening Charlotte and I exchanged all our pictures and then we settled for an early night. The next day we wanted to confrontrate Wickedcamper to get another van for our further journey.
Yours Broome-visiting-and-beer-drinking Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!