Sunday 27 July 2014

Leicester's - Geiki Gorge and another long driving day

Dear driving lovers (again),
On Wednesday morning after our West Kimberley daytour we had another long day of driving ahead of us and set off at 8am. I drove the 250km to Fitzroy Crossing where we filled up our little car. Then Charlotte took over the steering wheel and got us to Geiki Gorge. We didn't plan this stop, so we were only able to do a short 800 meter loop walk where you don't have a view of the gorge itself. The walk was still nice.

Then we got back on the road again.

290km further North we stopped in Halls Creek to fuel up and to get some money out of an ATM. As Charlotte had some problems getting cash, we walked to a hotel with another ATM to get cash and to sent some text messages into the world to prove that we are still alive. It all took much longer than expected, so we didn't set off again until 5pm. We didn't want to stay in Halls Creek but reach the Leicester's rest stop area for free camping. We had to drive through the setting darkness and past some cows who crossed the roads (no fences). We drove very carefully and I was so relieved when we finally reached the rest stop after an hour or so. We had some leftover Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner and got to bed quite early at 8am.
Our plan for the next day: find someone who would give us a lift into the Bungle Bungles!
Yours another-long-hours-driving Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!