Friday 25 July 2014

Karijini - Circular Pool and Fortescue Falls

Dear walking lovers,
On our second day in Karijini we drove to Dales Gorge and started the circular walk clockwise. So we walked towards the Circular Pool first along the rim of the gorge.

Then we climbed down to the river bed. As we are in dry season / winter the river wasn't as full of water as usual and it is fairly easy to walk there without getting wet feet.

After our climb of Mount Bruce the day before in the heat of the day this walk mostly in the shade felt very easy and we reached the nice Circular Pool without any problems.

As we all know by now Bastian doesn't like group pictures and takes his own pictures while we girls get always a picture of us three.

Then we walked into Dales Gorge but we wouldn't do the return walk.

SNAKE! Luckily some other walkers alerted us and they were sure that this is a venomous one! We passed it as quickly as we could in a wide circle. (Hmm, weren't you supposed to stand still and wait until the snake has gone...)

Anyway, we made our way along the river. It was a nice and easy walk.

And this is Fortescue Falls.

After a short snack stop at the top of the falls we also walked the 300 meters to Fern Pool but in the end I decided against a swim there although I brought my bathers with me.

After a small lunch I drove Tankgirl with a quarter of a tank to Auski Roadhouse (there is no fuel station in Karijini National Park, you have Tom Price before and Auski Roadhouse after, apparently Karijini is a typical place to run out of fuel). After that fuel stop I drove three hours straight to Port Hedland where we had a few difficulties to find a cheap caravan park as they all were fairly full. At the BIG4 Aspen caravan park we had to pay for a powered site as there were no unpowered ones available...
On top of that we also had two spiders on our tent when we wanted to put it up. Luckily they didn't get into the tent. After a big shower and dinner (rice with chicken, lots of vegetable) I needed two beer to calm myself down.

Well, it never all goes to plan right? Sometimes things are better than expected and sometimes they are worse. I had lots of expectation for Karijini National Park and it was nice but I really wanted to see at least one of the gorges that you can only access via dirt road. And I didn't wanted to pay so much money for caravan parks... At least we had working fast Wifi and the night was much warmer than before. We got to bed surprisingly late for our standards at 11pm. The next day I took this picture of a salt storage in Port Hedland.

Port Hedland is a mining city, nothing else really of interest to see there for a normal tourist.
Our next stop: Broome!
Yours walking-and-disappointed Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!