Wednesday 11 June 2014

11.06.14 - 6 years, 6 months and today

Hi there everybody,
Today is Wednesday, the 11th of June 2014. This day has a special meaning for me in regards to Australia in different ways:

1) 6 years ago Markus and I became a couple!

SERIOUSLY??? We are already together for six whole years? And like almost always I am not with him on our anniversairy. I travel the world and am either in the UK, in Bremen or well, in Australia instead of with him. I miss him a lot...

2) 6 months ago I arrived in Australia!

SERIOUSLY??? I am already in this BIG BIG country for six whole months? Where did the time go? I am kind of surprised myself what I saw and did and experienced in just six months here. This leads ultimately to the next meaning of this day.

3) Today was my initial return flight!

SERIOUSLY!!! I planned to stay only six months and then fly back to Germany. But I changed my return flight to a later date so I can explore even more of this amazing country. Even though some people do not like the idea (including myself to an extent) of me staying here longer but I am not going back to regret having missed the opportunity to see more.

So there we have it, today is a very special day for me in all sorts of ways and what did I do today? I did my job, as an Au Pair, and looked after the children. And then I stuffed myself with this:

 Six Ferrero balls for the six years of Markus and my relationship, half white and half brown ;-). A German beer from Bremen because I stayed there nearly for three years and a William Tell pie for the 1.5 years that I spent in the UK (I know it is not British but they ran out of Bacon & Cheese Sausage Roll...).

I hope you understand (and support me) in staying longer than intended and follow me further on my journey. In just a few days I will hit the open road up North again, although nothing really is fixed yet...
But let me first catch up on the last weekend where Christine visited me here in Perth. And let me just say: IT WAS AWESOME!!!
Yours longer-Australia-traveling Stefanie

PS: Just noticed that this is my 100th blog post this year...

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!