Saturday 16 August 2014

Darwin - City, parks, museum and beach

Dear city lovers,
On Day 28 of our tour, so exactly four weeks after we left Perth Charlotte and I made our way into Darwin. We first stopped at the Charles Darwin National Park at 10am.

This park is a mangrove park and I really didn't expect to see bombs and bunkers along the way and lots of boards about the wars and especially the bombing of Darwin.

This is the view you have from the park onto the skyline of Darwin. The next picture is zoomed in. Not as great as the view onto the skyline of Perth from King's Park or Melbourne from across the Yarra River or the mights skyline of Sydney or even Brisbane.

Very quickly we left the park and drove into the city. Luckily it was Saturday, so we were allowed to park for free behind the Parliament which is right next to the Visitor Information Center.

We got a map and a few information about the city and its attractions and then made our way through the mall where we bought some postcards. After that we walked through the Bicentennial Park and onto this little beach. But we didn't get too close to the water (there might be crocodiles, you know...).

We both were not in the best mood and there was not a lot to see in the Bicenntenial Park. So we turned back into the heart of the CBD and past the famous Crocosaurus Cove where you can swim with crocodiles! I am really not a fan of crocs and it also costs a hell of a lot money to do it, so we got ourselves some cheap kebabs on Mitchell Street for lunch.

We decided that there wasn't much in the CBD for us, so we walked towards the lagoon to the artificial beach of Darwin past this old World War II bunkers. There are many tours about the war in Darwin and the bombing. Seems to be the biggest attractions of Darwin next to the crocodiles.

This is the city lagoon where we stayed for a while. Charlotte checked the internet for possibilities how she could manage her further travels through the Red Center.

It was really warm in Darwin and a little bit humid as well. I wouldn't want to be here in summer (after all it is winter here).

At about 3pm we walked back to our Johnny Cash car past the House of Government and drove up North to the Botanical Garden where we had a good look around.

But again, this Botanical Garden is by far not as nice as any of the other Botanical Gardens I have seen in Australia (like Melbourne or Adelaide). So we decided to go into the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. There were different little interesting exhibitions.

Like this one about the Cyclone Tracy that basically destroyed Darwin overnight.

Or another famous, massive crocodile: Sweetheart!

Then we had a quick look at East Point before we decided to drive back to the Noonamah Tourist Park as all the other caravan parks where we stopped were full.

The tourist park was overflowing as the rodeo took place next to it. Quite entertaining. We had pasta with pesto for dinner and made spaghetti with beans for the next days and excahnged all our pictures before we went to bed at 10pm. Seriously, Darwin was much less interesting than I expected it to be...
Our next stop: different markets of Darwin...
Yours Darwin-visiting Stefanie

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