Thursday 8 May 2014

Perth - Awesome bird shoots after storm and pies

Hi guys,
I know, I know. After a while it is not really interesting to read about more birds. But yesterday evening there was a big storm and it was raining out of buckets. It was so windy and so loud, I thought the world is going to an end. This morning it didn't rain but the clouds were still there and dangerously grey. I still decided to go for a walk along the river. Although I brought my camera with me I didn't expect to take any great pictures. But there were quite a few birds around that I haven't seen before and I took some awesome pictures (well, for my photography abilities anyway).

This jetty that I easily walked on a few days ago was flooded and the river was actually over its border. I think the water catchments and water reservoirs around Perth should be filled to the rims.

And some more birds. If anyone can tell me the name of any bird I took a picture of, I would be certainly very grateful!

There is a wetland reservoir for birds and (I am not kidding here) for motorbike frogs. This country is truly full of surprises. And it DOES sound like motorbikes!

And this is an Aborigine college, the Contarf Campus.

After the two-hour-walk I deserved some lunch. I had a voucher of my host family with me for a 2-for-1-deal on pies at  Jesters. On the left is the only vegetarian pie they have on offer, Popeye pie with spinach and feta cheese. I chose this one as it was Markus' birthday and I do miss him a lot... And to the right is a truly Australian pie: the Footy pie (why is there a T on it and not an F?). There was gravy, beef, bacon, cheese and onion in this one.

These two pies toally stuffed me (I don't think they were 93% fat free) and I rolled back to the house just 15 minutes before it started to pour down again. Lucky me! My next stop on my free day tomorrow: the Western Australia Cricket Ground!
Yours pie-eating Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!