Sunday 20 April 2014

Southwest - Waiting and drinking game

Greeting to you all,

The next morning due to the sun shining into the tent I got up at 7am (I HATE getting up early!!!) and I was one of the last ones (no surprise to me). We got told that Damian had to take the bus to the workshop half an hour walk away where it needs to stay for a few hours before we could drive off. Damian left the trailer with us and we set down, had breakfast, watched TV, talked, used the internet and waited.

At 11am Damian came back but apparently there was a bigger problem with the water tank which couldn’t be fixed within the day. Another bus has been called to pick us up and drive us to our next destination while Damian would stay with our bus until it is ready to go and would follow us. So some of us went into town for shopping, into the Post Office and someone had the brilliant idea to get some cards. So we started to play cards to pass the time. By 12am understandably some of us really got angry and started to talk about writing a joined complaint email to the company and then Asha called them immediately but didn’t receive any information about refunds but lots of excuses. Apparently this bus didn't belong to Adventure Tours but had been hired by another company. What also bugged us what the fact that some of the swags were moldy and the equipment quite dirty and filthy as the trailer has been left aside for over three weeks and nothing has been checked before the start of this tour. Damian was in no position to check the equipment as he has been called in last-minute as a tourguide and flew in from Melbourne the day before. Hmmm...

So we waited a bit more, played cards and talked. Eventually we got really hungry and we took out all the rest of the sandwiches and the dinner from the day before and had an improvised lunch. At 2:30pm finally the other bus arrived with Craig the tour guide of the other group, Damian and another girl from the other group. This group travelled from Adelaide through the Nullarbor Plains to Perth. We got all our stuff, transferred some of the swags from our trailer into the bus and got on our way. In Esperance we bought some really cheap wine in big boxes, also called Guun.

Three hours down South we finally reached the camp at Lucky Bay at about 6:30pm and set camp in the dark again. This time everyone decided to sleep in tents.

After erecting the tents and shifting all our stuff I took some pictures of the bay in the moonlight.

 We had Chicken Stir-Fry for dinner and there was lots of it!

Then we settle down for a drinking game called Ring of Fires (also known as Circle of Death or King’s Cup). I learned that game during my time in Italy when I worked on the camping site near Caorle for three months back in 2005. I really wish I had a blog back then to show you some pictures. Anyway, we had some awesome rules as there are many possibilities how to assign the cards and how to play. And it was the best game I have ever played! Thanks to you guys for this LEGENDARY evening!


After the second game I stepped out as we had to get up early the next day (NOOOOOOO!) and I don’t quite know how many cups of Guun I drank. Some of us stayed up until about 1am. Let’s see how the next day will work out.

Yours drinking-gamer Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!