Monday 28 April 2014

Mundaring - Weir and Golden Point Lookout

Cheerio folks,
On Saturday after ANZAC Day it rained almost the whole day. It is quite weird because here in Perth in summer it sometimes doesn't rain for up to four months (which happended just this year) and then in winter it can rain for days and days at end. On Sunday it looked fairly nice in the morning with a bright blue sky and just a few clouds. So I decided quite spontaneously to head into the Perth Hills after lunch.
The Perth Hills start about 40km East of Perth and the main cities are Mundaring and Kalamunda. I headed for the Mundaring Visitor Information Center and got really helpful information about nice walks and lookouts and how to get there and where to park. So I set off towards the Mundaring Weir. At the carpark I was delighted to catch a picture of this beautiful little fella.

Then I walked towards the Weir and guess what? It started to rain. Luckily I have prepared myself with a jacket and an umbrella but it didn't stop for the next 20 minutes and I didn't take out my camera due to the rain. This weir is definitely more worth its name then the other dams I have visited earlier this week. As it didn't stop raining I thought of driving back into Perth. But it stopped after another 10 minutes and so I headed for the South Ledge carpark which I have been informed about. Instead of doing a 4km walk up to the Golden View Lookout you can also drive to this carpark and walk just 300m. How convenient! And look how green and nice everything looks after some rain.

This is not the sign to warn you about snakes (but of course you should watch out for them). This is the sign for the famous Bibbulmun Track. This is one of the world's largest long distance tracks, over 1,000km long. It runs from Kalamunda through the Perth Hills down South to Albany.

There are geat views over the valley along the way and I really appreciated the diverse flora and fauna there. I think I would have liked to walk that 4km in nicer weather.

And here is the view from the lookout onto the Mundaring Weir where I have been before in the rain.

I think this is the No. 1 Pump Station of Western Australia. Apparently quite a tourist attraction but it is closed at the moment due to some work.

And this is the weir close-up (I love the zoom of this camera).

On my way back to the carpark the sun came out again and I took the chance to quickly take some pictures of the surroundings.

Then I drove 45 minutes back to Manning where I arrived at about 4pm. This was a fairly short trip but nevertheless nice. I just wished I had some nice company with me. Anyway, I am sure I will head into the Perth Hills again.
Yours lookout-appreciating Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!