Thursday 24 April 2014

Perth - Sleeping and Australian movies

Heyho everybody,
On Saturday and Sunday (Easter Sunday) after the Southwest Tour I didn't do much except for sleeping a lot. I really needed two days to recover. Apart from sleeping I also watched some Australian movies. A few weeks ago I watched "The Japanese Story" together with Cécile and Sébastien (my host parents). It plays kind of in our time and a Japanese guy whose father is in a Joint Venture with an Australian mining company comes over to Australia and wants to be driven around. You see a bit of the mining industry, lots of landscape in the Pilbara, get an insight into the Japanese culture and a weird affair spans until a tragedy happens at a billabong and the whole story turns around. Not sure if I liked the movie, a bit too strange.

On Saturday I watched "The rabbit-proof fence" as I have just seen a part of the original fence a few days ago. This plays in the late 19th century about three Aborigine half-cast who have been taken away from their mothers and placed in a camp in the very South. They make a dare escape and have to face all sorts of challenges to make it back home, over 1,500 miles away. I really liked this movie especially as it is based on a true story.

On Sunday evening I watched "Australia" with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman again. I have seen this movie in a cinema in South Germany when it came out years ago. I saw it together with Markus. It kind of starts a bit funny but throughout the movie it all grows more serious about living in the Outback, about half-cast Aborginies and the war. And of course a love story.

I hope to get to see some more Australian movies although I am not into horror and slaughter and things like this. Therefore I will definitely not watch "Wolfcreek". Do you have any recommendations? Than let me know in the comment below.
Yours sleeping-and-Australian-movie-watching Stefanie

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