Sunday 20 April 2014

Southwest - Sunrise, hiking and night activities

Cheerio folks,

The other group had to leave at 7am to get all their visits done and to reach their next destination. As we used some of theircamping equipment we had to get up with them. I couldn’t sleep any longer than 5:45am, so I got up to take some pictures of the sunrise at Lucky Bay. And I finally got a picture of a jumping kangaroo! The sunrise was quite nice, so I didn’t regret getting up so early.

After breakfast Craig dropped us off at Hellfire Bay at about 7am where he explained the 8km hike that we were about to walk on our own. Then he left us to it.

Hellfire Bay is a really beautiful bay and we took a LEGENDARY picture of our group. Blue sky, crystal-clear water, pure white sand and AWESOME people! That’s a good start into the day :-)

We walked up a steep hill and had a great view around the area, I took lots of pictures of the group, the surroundings and the plants until we stopped at the top. It was very windy up there.

The trail went up and down the hills, we had to walk through the bush, over stones, past a little creek and up and down some more very steep hills. In between we saw some lizards which Twiggy pointed at and screamed. I only saw something moving on the ground and thought it was a snake and screamed like hell.

After three hours we arrived at another beautiful bay which we mistook for Lucky Bay. It was Thistle Cove. We had another hour to go.

Some more beautiful views but less stops and we walked on and on until we reached our camp at 11:20am.

We had lunch: sandwiches!

Some of us went to Lucky Bay but the water was absolutely freezing and the beach a bit smelly from all the seaweed. So no one stayed there very long. After a proper shower we split into groups, played cards, talked, walked around the area and did whatever to pass the time. Unfortunately we didn’t have any reception there and relied on the park rangersand the volunteers to pass on any information from Damian or Craig about the bus.

It was very hot at about 32 degrees Celsius. We tried to stay cheerful, discussed some more drinking game rules ;-) and at 3pm I was absolutely happy to see Damian driving down to the car park with the bus. A water tank has been flown into Ravensthorpe from Perth and fixed in a rush. We had beef and chicken burger for dinner. Then we sat off to the bay to search for craps but didn’t find any.

The park volunteer who spoke to us once in a while and offered to give us rice and sauces for dinner in case something went wrong and Damian wouldn't appear, gave us this red wine. He said: "This is the sort of wine that you want to share with as many people as possible!" It was horrible and hardly anybody finished their cup. I think this is Aussie Humour...

In the evening as we sat together we saw a kangaroo mother with her juvenile kid in the moonlight. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me but it wouldn’t have been able to take the whole picture anyway. Seeing these two kangaroos hopping around in the moonlight, it was great! At 10:30pm I went to sleep hoping the best for the next day as we had to get up even earlier. WHAT THE F***!!!

Yours sunrise-watching-and-hiking-and-again-waiting Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!