Tuesday 30 December 2014

My Australia travel video

Dear travel video lovers,
Five weeks ago I landed back in Germany after having been away for nearly a year of which I traveled over 10 months in BIG BIG Australia. I cannot stop thinking about this amazing journey. Putting this 10 months in a video of less than 9 minutes seems pathetic but in a nutshell it reflects my journey. The amazing places and landscapes I have seen, the many and long roads I traveled, the animals I encountered, the things I have done and most importantly the awesome people I have met along the way.
I hope you like my video.
Or watch the Full HD video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXlhNFXKlsM

Thanks so much to everyone who supported me. Please leave a comment!!! :-)
Yours Australia-travel-video-creator Stefanie

Thursday 25 December 2014

Australia Birthday Cake

Dear cake lovers,

This is definitely the best birthday cake my mum has ever designed for me and with the help of my aunt they did a fabolous job, don't you think? :-)

Last year I celebrated with Markus by sailing in the Whitsunday Islands which is still my most favorite place in Australia. It was also the most perfect day I had in Australia but it didn't feel like christmas and also not really like my birthday. Why? Because I missed my family. This year I am back in Germany and we had a chaotic but great christmas eve as usual. I just wished there would have been some snow instead of all the rain.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas 2014!!!

Yours Australia-birthday-cake-celebrating Stefanie

Friday 19 December 2014

Australia - Some statistics about my travel

G'Day mates, I am thinking a lot about Australia since I came back 26 days ago. I did a lot of rummaging through my bills and came up with this very cost-based statistic that would be of most interest to those who are planning on going there. But I also very much enjoyed the other non-monetary aspects of my travels which surprised even me seeing all listed up like this. This journey was just amazing.
As statistics go, it could get a bit confusing but I try to make it as simple as I can and still interesting (I hope). I have the following categories:

1) How many nights did I sleep where?
2) How much did the accommodation cost me?
3) How many km did I travel by road?
4) How many km did I fly for how much money?
5) What did I achieve and attend?
6) What wildlife did I encounter?
7) How much did the touristic tours cost me?
8) How much money did I earn?
9) How much of my own money did I spend?
10) Cost-breakdown of all the spent money

Monday 1 December 2014

Stuttgart - Jetlag, bureaucracy and dreaming

Dear home-coming lovers,
Just a week ago I had quite a journey to complete. After my climb up the Sydney Harbour Bridge I slept very badly in the warm dorm room. At 6am I was awake and packed all my luggage. With the airport shuttle I got to the Sydney International Airport to check-in my suitcase which weighted 19.6 kg and then got through immigration and onto my first plane with Vietnam Airlines towards Ho-Chi-Minh-City. After nearly 9 hours we arrived there at 5pm local time. I waited 7 hours to board my second plane to Frankfurt Main and luckily had three seats to myself!!! HURRAY! Despite being able to lie down I didn't sleep too well and 13 hours later I touched down on German ground at 6:45am.
Well, I would say thanks to German efficiency within 30 minutes I was out of the aircraft, through immigration and with my suitcase out of the arrival hall and in Markus' arms!!! We were both so overwhelmed that we didn't take any pictures but I was a mess anyway. Markus has brought me all my winter gear: winter jacket, scarf, gloves and winter boots. We got into the car and drove to our first stop: the German Employment Office in Stuttgart!