Tuesday 26 August 2014

Perth - With Twiggy in King's Park

Dear park lovers,
One of the best things that happen to me in Australia is meeting great people! And it is even better to meet these great people again! So on the morning of Friday the 8th of August I met Twiggy in the CBD of Perth. I got to know Twiggy on the Southwest Tour that I did back in April this year, shortly before Easter.
Anyway, due to the bus breakdown and the following loss in time which we tried to compensate by getting up early (AHHHH!!!) and doing lots of things in a single day the whole group grow more and more together. Despite the bus breakdown this was probably one of the best tours I have done in Australia because of the awesome people and Twiggy was one of them. After catching up on what happened in the last few months in our lives we decided to go to Kings Park with the fantastic view onto the Perth skyline.

After that we walked through the park and enjoyed the nice warm weather. I showed Twiggy the Federation walkway where we also got our picture taken before we moved on through the garden back to the bus stop.

We were even lucky enough to see two Kookaburras at the same spot where I saw them together with Christine! I should take more friends there :-)
Unfortunately I had to leave at about 1pm to get to my job in the afternoon but it was great to see her. Maybe we will catch up again before she will move to beloved Melbourne to continue her master there.
My next stop: researching Australian movies and Australian literature!
Yours friends-meeting Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!