Thursday 12 June 2014

Perth - Speed-sightseeing, wild food and cocktails

Cheerio ladies and gentlemen,
On Saturday morning Christine and I took the bus into the CBD of Perth where we first visited the Bell Tower at the Barrack Street Jetty.

As I have already been on it twice and the last time has only been on Monday (WA Day), so just five days ago where I had to wait 90 minutes to get in for FREE, I decided to wait in the foyer for Christine.
She had a close look at the bells and the bellringers as the Australian and New Zealand Bellringer Association was in town to show off their skills.

Of course the skyline at daylight at the top floor was of interest as well.

Then we strolled past the Supreme Court just opposite the Bell Tower.

Through Stirling Gardens we stopped briefly at the kangaroo statues for some photo shoots.

This is the Government House right next to the Council House.

We walked through Hay Street and into London Court.

On our tour through the city center we pasted St. Trinity Church on St. Georges Terrace and walked further to Williams Street and through Murray Street and along Wellington Street.

We crossed Beaufort Street Bridge and got into the cultural precinct where we first entered the WA Museum. Just very briefly we got through the different sections.

Then a short walk away we explored the first floor of the Art Gallery, also just briefly as it got towards 1pm and we were already a bit exhausted and very hungry.

Then we went down James Street in Northbridge and into Outback Jack's.We were in for some real Australian food!

We were greeted by a giant crocodile hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Even the menu was made out of crocodile skin!!!

I got myself a Redback Beer. Well, wasn't really the best but heyho. I needed some beer for the meal we chose.

As an entree: crocodile and kangaroo skewer with a hot sauce! YEAH! Kangaroo never convinced me in a grilled form but on pizza it wasn't too bad. I once had a crocodile burger which wasn't a piece of meat. This time the crocodile really surprised me as quite nice. Although it reminded us both of chicken...

Then we got to the main meal. Bring it on!!!

Camel steak for me on mash...

...and emu steak with baked potatoe for Christine. Well, we exchanged half of the meat. I had emu on a pizza before and I really liked it and this steak was fabolous. The camel burger I once had was my favorite so far but this camel steak was a bit too fat for our tasting.

After this massive meal we rolled out of the restaurant and into the FREE red CAT bus towards the East of the city. We got out at the Perth Mint. Unfortunately it is not allowed to take pictures inside the building.

Then we got back into the West of the city and walked around the Parlament of WA.

We walked the short distance to King's Park where we walked a bit around and over the Federation walkway.

And I finally saw a Kookaburra!!! Beautiful but it didn't sing. They have a crazy melody apparently.

Behind the State War Memorial we of course took a picture of us with the skyline of Perth.

Then we settled in for the night to come and to see the lights come up. I did that before where I took pictures of the changing sky and lights and Christine wanted to see it for herself. This time I only took a picture at the beginning at around 5pm and then at 6pm before we left.

Back in the city we past this nicely illuminated church and headed into some lane ways.

First stop was Wolf Lane bar in Wolf Lane. The cocktails were absolutely great and cheaper than in Melbourne ;-)

Then we got into the Universal Bar in Northbridge and got even cheaper and even better cocktails there!!!

Although it was only 9pm we headed back to Manning to have dinner and get to bed in time. As we had to get up early the next day for a big day out. Our next stop: The Pinnacles in the Nambung National Park!
Yours Perth-tourguide Stefanie

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