Friday, 7 March 2014

Gawler - A dog, new houses and job-searching

Cheers everyone,
I left Kangaroo Island one week ago. Honestly, where did the time go???
Back in the CBD (Central Business District) of Adelaide I met lots of new great people in the hostel and as it is Mad-March in Adelaide a lot is on. So everyday I had something else to do and spoke to new people about the same things: where are you from, what are you doing in Australia and why are you here?

Well, why am I here? The idea of traveling through Australia struck my head over 10 years ago at grammar school when my older brother did his A-Levels and had to think about what to do after school. Over the years I collected so many information about Australia and it fascinated me more and more. In only three months I have probably already visited more of Australia than most Australians have seen or even other travelers who have been here longer because they take more time to stay in some places a lot longer than I did.
The traveling part was absolutely fantastic up until now but the other part, the working bit, is still to hit off. I have probably send out my resume around Australia nearly 100 times for various positions. I have had a few job interviews and a call from an recruitment agency. I am still trying to find a job in my profession but as I wrote earlier I will also look into the usual backpacker jobs.
Until then I am lucky enough to have fantastic friends who have an awesome family who let me live in their home. I am staying at Karl's sisters (Heidi) house in Gawler since Tuesday. It is just epic to sleep alone in a room! While Heidi is at work I do some little housework and look after her dog Gecko.

Gawler is about 40-50 km North of Adelaide and quite small. The house is situated in a small suburb of Gawler. I had a walk around and it was really quiet. A perfect family environment. A new feeling to everything: streets, pavements, houses, driveways and gardens.

I only noticed yesterday evening that I have not left the house since Tuesday evening. I really needed a rest from all the visiting and sightseeing. As much as I enjoyed all of it, a break is just incredibly good. It also gave me time to get back in contact with my family, Markus, friends and colleagues. Now I have the energy back to look again for work. Wish me good luck!
Yours resting Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!