Wednesday 12 March 2014



I landed in Australia 3 months ago. OMG! Where did the time go? I am asking you my friends 20 questions about my time in Australia until now and who answers all the questions right by 31st of March 2014 at midnight Melbourne time will win a fantastic prize:

A self-cooked Australian three-course meal at Markus’ and my place in Stuttgart for you and a partner/friend.


And here are the questions:

1)      Who sponsored our Sydney Opera House tour?

2)      What important accessoire did Markus buy in Brisbane?

3)      Which animals were we allowed to hold next to a koala in the Cooberriepark Wildlife Sanctuary?

4)      On which hill did we have our car breakdown?

5)      How many crocodiles did we see in the Daintree Forest?

6)      Who sponsored my camel ride to the sunset at the Uluru/Ayers Rock?

7)      Why was I not allowed to play a didgeridoo?

8)      What is the name of our kangaroo?

9)      What did Markus and I see in St. Kilda instead of penguins?

10)  In which bar did we have a beer after having been to the Australian Open and why did it become famous?

11)  Which building in Melbourne is only open to the public on Australia Day?

12)  How did I contribute to the Melbourne art scene?

13)  What did I find in Rundle Mall, Adelaide which reminded me of Bremen?

14)  What is the name of the sand dunes where we did some great sand-boarding?

15)  How is Neio (roughly) related to me?

16)  Why should you only swim between the flags on the East Coast?

17)  Where did we go snorkeling for the first time?

18)  What did the second turtle in Bundaberg do?

19)  What burger did I eat on our Kings Canyon day trip?

20)  Why could we not climb the Ayers Rock/Uluru?


Well, if you have been a loyal reader of my blog most of these questions should be fairly easy. Send your answers to . If there are too many winners I will draw the winner.

Good luck and I hope to get many answers!

Yours already-3-months-Australia-visiting Stefanie

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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!