Saturday 13 September 2014

Perth - Wildflowers at King's Park Festival

Dear Wildflower lovers,
It is Wildflower season in WA! HURRAY! My hostfamily luckily wanted to swap some of my working hours, so I was able to attend the month-long King's Park Festival on Saturday the 13th of September. I got up early (before 8am!) to catch two buses to King's Park where I arrived at 9:30am on a fantastic sunny day. At the top of Fraser Avenue you will be greeted by a flower bed full of wildflowers in bloom.

I love my camera! It can take the most clear close-up pictures, so I went as close as possible to all these lovely and beautiful flowers.

Thursday 11 September 2014

11.9.2014 - 9 months in Oz!!! What's next?

Dear date lovers,
Today is again a little milestone in my travels around the mighty country of Australia:

9 whole months ago I finally arrived here after waiting for over 10 years!!!

Time has passed way too quickly for me, so let me recapture on the last three months: what have I done?
Well, actually heaps of stuff to be honest :-) I made it safely all the way from Perth up the West Coast, swimming with Whalesharks, through the Pilbara, past crocodiles in the Kimberleys and into the very Top End despite our van brokedown and all the mosquitos, snakes and spiders :-)

Sunday 7 September 2014

Cannington - Greyhound races with other aupairs

Dear dog racing lovers,
I admit it: I have never been to a dog race before! But Australia is full of firsts for me, it's just I didn't expect this to be one of them. I surely should have seen some dog races in England but somehow it never came to my mind. Together with two other German Au pairs who live nearby I decided fairly spontaneously to have a look at the races on a Wednesday as the entry is free then. On Saturdays you have to pay to get in. I picked the two 18-year-old girls up and we made our way to Cannington, only a 15 minute drive away to the Greyhound racing grounds where we arrived at about 7:30pm.

Manning - Aussie movies and Aussie literature

Dear Aussie culture lovers (I know you exist!),
In preparation of my Australia trip I have of course read a lot of information about this big big country. Especially in travel guide books like the Lonely Planet but also in magazines and on the internet. Since I arrived in Australia and especially since working as an Au Pair in Perth I took the chance to join the local Manning library to borrow some books and DVDs about Australia.

This first book however I got from Eva whom I met in Adelaide.