... and thereabouts.
Prepared with a Working Holiday Visa I want to see, visit, explore, taste and appreciate as much as I can of Australia in one year. Follow me on a journey through landscapes, animals, cities, populations, foods and drinks. What's out there in this huge country downunder? And am I going to survive it???
Believe it or not: I finally made it into the very
capitol of Australia!
In case you didn’t know: neither Sydney nor
Melbourne are the capitol. As a tiebreaker a completely new city has been
created: CANBERRA! The problem with it is (in my opinion) that it is a little
bit hard to access. I mean, all the cities in Australia are a bit far from each
other and all that. But although Canberra is only about 300 km away from Sydney
there are not too many flights going there and no direct train connection
available. So you have to get one of the coaches like Greyhound or Murray’s to
get there. And that’s what I did.
My flight from Kuala Lumpur arrived at 10:40am but
the queue at immigration was massive and it took me over an hour to get through
it. I had purchased a wooden souvenir from Malaysia and as I have entered
wilderness areas and freshwater streams I had to report to a quarantine officer.
And guess what was going on in the arrival hall? The series “Border Security
Control” was filming! I loved the series when I watched it in the UK and that’s
also the reason why I was so nervous upon first entering Sydney over 11 months ago. I imagined them interviewing Markus and me for hours and searching all our
suitcases to finally hopefully come to the conclusion that we are no threat to
Australia. Well, this time as well the interrogation was over in 2 minutes and
I got into the arrival hall to buy something for lunch. Then I sprinted to the
coaches to catch the next Murray’s coach to Canberra.
The coach was very comfortable and I was seriously
so happy to be back in Australia. Like unbelievably happy to have hot but dry
weather, the good and proper infrastructure (like the pedestrian ways) and the
always friendly people who I totally understand as they speak proper English :-)
I checked into the Canberra City YHA, freshed up and
then immediately went out again. On the way towards the ANZAC Parade I passed
the Canberra Convention Center, St. John Baptist Anglican Church and lots of
greenery. Some cities are lucky enough to have a few nice parks. Canberra on
the other hand is one massive big park with buildings scattered around it.
Distances are huge although it all looks so close on a map.
Anyway, I arrived at the ANZAC Parade and it is huge
and long.
Along the parade are several different memorials for
the different wars, the New Zealand-Australian connection, the Australian
Navy/Air Force/Army/Service Nurses etc.
I walked up to the Australian War Memorial but couldn’t
go in as it was already closed.
I walked back towards the hostel, bought a few
things at the supermarket, ate some Chicken burger and drank this beer at the
Hog’s Breath Café.
Then I went back to the Australian War Memorial to
take these pictures at night when it is illuminated.
The memorials are illuminated as well.
Back in the hostel I figured my next moves for the
next day as I only have that one day to visit as much as possible of Australia's capitol.
My next stop: the political and cultural core of
Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!
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Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!