Thursday 11 September 2014

11.9.2014 - 9 months in Oz!!! What's next?

Dear date lovers,
Today is again a little milestone in my travels around the mighty country of Australia:

9 whole months ago I finally arrived here after waiting for over 10 years!!!

Time has passed way too quickly for me, so let me recapture on the last three months: what have I done?
Well, actually heaps of stuff to be honest :-) I made it safely all the way from Perth up the West Coast, swimming with Whalesharks, through the Pilbara, past crocodiles in the Kimberleys and into the very Top End despite our van brokedown and all the mosquitos, snakes and spiders :-)

This being my main highlight I returned to Perth mid-July to earn and save more money by working furthermore for my hostfamily. I took up some extra hours as my hostmother is highly pregnant. Today is even the predictate due date! But the baby isn't ready to get out yet. I manage the three kids fairly well if I may say so. We have even built a cardboard robot together over three afternoons! Awesome, right?

I was so determined to work more that in these last seven weeks I have managed to take up several other regular jobs around the area and the odd babysitting or cleaning job in between. At times I felt like I had almost no free time but meeting Twiggy, seeing some Greyhound races, reading Aussie literature and a beer in between is always possible, right folks? :-)

I was jumping from one job to the next, always a diary and my GPS at hand to not turn up at the wrong place :-) But it all paid off, I am saving heaps more money than before and I am ahead of my plan of what I need for my last trips.

So what are my next travel plans?

Ehm, yeah, well... they have completely changed... I came back to Perth with the intention of making the last big roadtrip through the Nullarbor Plains from Perth to Adelaide. A trip of over 2,000km through a lot of nothing but spending heaps of money on fuel (please not again...). Way too many people told me how boring the drive is, whether by train or car. Therefore I started checking out some alternatives and stumbled across some ridiculously cheap flights which I couldn't resist. I JUST COULDN'T!!!
So I will take a trip outside Australia into some of the closer neighbours and then return to Sydney to tick off some last visits and adventures of my Australia-To-Do-list before I head back home. Until then I will make a visit to the King's Park Festival this weekend (it is Wildflower season!) and I will also attend the Royal Perth Show in a few weeks time.
So my next stop on Saturday: King's Park Festival! (Unless the baby comes then and I have to emergency babysit the kids...)
Yours busy-working Stefanie


  1. Wie die Zeit vergeht!! Mir geht´s jobmäßig genauso, durchhalten und an die nächste Reise denken! :-) Den Roboter habt Ihr gut gemacht! ;-) Halt mich mit dem Baby auf dem Laufenden! Ich freue mich schon, wenn wir uns in Sydney wiedersehen!!!

    1. Dir auch ein gutes Durchhaltevermögen! Ich werde jeden auf dem Laufenden halten mit dem Baby, das ist mal sicher :-D Ich freu mich riesig dich in Sydney wieder zu sehen!!!


Have your say now! Would you do the same thing or would you do it differently? Do you have any travel tipps for me for my onwards travels? let me know!